Monday, April 21, 2014

San Jacinto Day

Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!

On April 21, 1836 the Battle of San Jacinto occurred and it was the last battle of the Texas Revolution. Texas won their independence from Mexico. 

Today is an official state holiday, but of course I still had to work :p (They don't really give anyone the day off...). An annual San Jacinto Day Festival and Battle Reenactment is held on the weekend before, on, or after (depending how the days fall) . This year the festival is on April 26, 2014 from 10am-6pm at the San Jacinto Monument.

Now not only is there a battle reenactment at about the same time of the actual battle they do have both camps set up for you to walk through and ask questions about life in the 1830s. I have asked Santa Anna where his Yellow Rose of Texas was and he  didn't answer my question. I'm not sure if he was in role and didn't want to answer my question or if he didn't know what I was talking about. It could also be that I was in the 7th/8th grade when I asked. Lol! 

There is also vendors, the museum gift shop, entertainers, petting zoo, train ride, square dancers, among other things. 

If you've never been it is worth checking out. The best time to go to the top of the Monument is early in the morning when they open at 9am, during the actual Reenactment because everyone will be out there. They stop selling tickets around 5:30pm and the show runs hourly from 10am-5pm. Be prepared for a long day and lots of people. 

As for me, I won't be out there this year I've gone numerous times and will be at work. Have fun yall!

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